Schema for dp01_dc2_catalogs.reference

This page is a reference to schema for measurements for objects detected in the coadded images. Other schemas are listed under Catalogs.

Principal Columns

base_ClassificationExtendedness_value (type=double): Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources.

coord_dec (unit=rad, type=double): position in ra/dec

coord_ra (unit=rad, type=double): position in ra/dec

deblend_deblendedAsPsf (type=boolean): Deblender thought this source looked like a PSF

deblend_skipped (type=boolean): Deblender skipped this source

good (type=boolean): True if the source has no flagged pixels.

modelfit_CModel_flag (type=boolean): flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed

objectId (type=long): Unique id.

All Other Columns

base_Blendedness_abs (type=double): Measure of how much the flux is affected by neighbors: (1 - child_instFlux/parent_instFlux). Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a “de-noised” value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details.

base_Blendedness_abs_child_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Shape of the child, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child. Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a “de-noised” value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details.

base_Blendedness_abs_child_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Shape of the child, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child. Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a “de-noised” value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details.

base_Blendedness_abs_child_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Shape of the child, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child. Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a “de-noised” value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details.

base_Blendedness_abs_instFlux (type=double): measure of how instFlux is affected by neighbors: (1 - instFlux.child/instFlux.parent)

base_Blendedness_abs_instFlux_child (unit=count, type=double): instFlux of the child, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child

base_Blendedness_abs_instFlux_parent (unit=count, type=double): instFlux of the parent, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child

base_Blendedness_abs_parent_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Shape of the parent, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child. Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a “de-noised” value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details.

base_Blendedness_abs_parent_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Shape of the parent, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child. Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a “de-noised” value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details.

base_Blendedness_abs_parent_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Shape of the parent, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child. Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a “de-noised” value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details.

base_Blendedness_flag (type=boolean): General Failure Flag

base_Blendedness_flag_noCentroid (type=boolean): Object has no centroid

base_Blendedness_flag_noShape (type=boolean): Object has no shape

base_Blendedness_old (type=double): Blendedness from dot products: ( - 1)

base_Blendedness_raw_child_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Shape of the child, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child. Operates on the “raw” pixel values.

base_Blendedness_raw_child_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Shape of the child, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child. Operates on the “raw” pixel values.

base_Blendedness_raw_child_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Shape of the child, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child. Operates on the “raw” pixel values.

base_Blendedness_raw_instFlux (type=double): measure of how instFlux is affected by neighbors: (1 - instFlux.child/instFlux.parent)

base_Blendedness_raw_instFlux_child (unit=count, type=double): instFlux of the child, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child

base_Blendedness_raw_instFlux_parent (unit=count, type=double): instFlux of the parent, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child

base_Blendedness_raw_parent_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Shape of the parent, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child. Operates on the “raw” pixel values.

base_Blendedness_raw_parent_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Shape of the parent, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child. Operates on the “raw” pixel values.

base_Blendedness_raw_parent_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Shape of the parent, measured with a Gaussian weight matched to the child. Operates on the “raw” pixel values.

base_ClassificationExtendedness_flag (type=boolean): Set to 1 for any fatal failure.

base_PixelFlags_flag (type=boolean): General failure flag, set if anything went wrong

base_PixelFlags_flag_bad (type=boolean): Bad pixel in the Source footprint

base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_object (type=boolean): Source footprint includes BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels

base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_objectCenter (type=boolean): Source center is close to BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels

base_PixelFlags_flag_clipped (type=boolean): Source footprint includes CLIPPED pixels

base_PixelFlags_flag_clippedCenter (type=boolean): Source center is close to CLIPPED pixels

base_PixelFlags_flag_cr (type=boolean): Cosmic ray in the Source footprint

base_PixelFlags_flag_crCenter (type=boolean): Cosmic ray in the Source center

base_PixelFlags_flag_edge (type=boolean): Source is outside usable exposure region (masked EDGE or NO_DATA)

base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psf (type=boolean): Source footprint includes INEXACT_PSF pixels

base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psfCenter (type=boolean): Source center is close to INEXACT_PSF pixels

base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolated (type=boolean): Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint

base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolatedCenter (type=boolean): Interpolated pixel in the Source center

base_PixelFlags_flag_offimage (type=boolean): Source center is off image

base_PixelFlags_flag_saturated (type=boolean): Saturated pixel in the Source footprint

base_PixelFlags_flag_saturatedCenter (type=boolean): Saturated pixel in the Source center

base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edge (type=boolean): Source footprint includes SENSOR_EDGE pixels

base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edgeCenter (type=boolean): Source center is close to SENSOR_EDGE pixels

base_PixelFlags_flag_suspect (type=boolean): Source’’s footprint includes suspect pixels

base_PixelFlags_flag_suspectCenter (type=boolean): Source’’s center is close to suspect pixels

base_PsfFlux_apCorr (type=double): aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux

base_PsfFlux_apCorrErr (type=double): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux

base_PsfFlux_area (unit=pixel, type=double): effective area of PSF

base_PsfFlux_flag (type=boolean): General Failure Flag

base_PsfFlux_flag_apCorr (type=boolean): set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux

base_PsfFlux_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean): General Failure Flag

base_PsfFlux_flag_edge (type=boolean): object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model

base_PsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean): not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit

base_PsfFlux_instFlux (unit=count, type=double): instFlux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model

base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty

base_SdssCentroid_flag (type=boolean): General Failure Flag

base_SdssCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative (type=boolean): Almost vanishing second derivative

base_SdssCentroid_flag_edge (type=boolean): Object too close to edge

base_SdssCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative (type=boolean): Vanishing second derivative

base_SdssCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum (type=boolean): Object is not at a maximum

base_SdssCentroid_flag_resetToPeak (type=boolean): set if CentroidChecker reset the centroid

base_SdssCentroid_x (unit=pixel, type=double): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm

base_SdssCentroid_xErr (unit=pixel, type=double): 1-sigma uncertainty on x position

base_SdssCentroid_y (unit=pixel, type=double): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm

base_SdssCentroid_yErr (unit=pixel, type=double): 1-sigma uncertainty on y position

base_SdssShape_flag (type=boolean): General Failure Flag

base_SdssShape_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean): General Failure Flag

base_SdssShape_flag_maxIter (type=boolean): Too many iterations in adaptive moments

base_SdssShape_flag_psf (type=boolean): Failure in measuring PSF model shape

base_SdssShape_flag_shift (type=boolean): centroid shifted by more than the maximum allowed amount

base_SdssShape_flag_unweighted (type=boolean): Weighted moments converged to an invalid value; using unweighted moments

base_SdssShape_flag_unweightedBad (type=boolean): Both weighted and unweighted moments were invalid

base_SdssShape_instFlux (unit=count, type=double): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments

base_SdssShape_instFlux_xx_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xx

base_SdssShape_instFlux_xy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xy

base_SdssShape_instFlux_yy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_yy

base_SdssShape_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty

base_SdssShape_psf_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position

base_SdssShape_psf_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position

base_SdssShape_psf_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position

base_SdssShape_x (unit=pixel, type=double): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments

base_SdssShape_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments

base_SdssShape_xxErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Standard deviation of xx moment

base_SdssShape_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments

base_SdssShape_xyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Standard deviation of xy moment

base_SdssShape_y (unit=pixel, type=double): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments

base_SdssShape_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments

base_SdssShape_yyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double): Standard deviation of yy moment

deblend_hasStrayFlux (type=boolean): This source was assigned some stray flux

deblend_masked (type=boolean): Parent footprint was predominantly masked

deblend_parentTooBig (type=boolean): Parent footprint covered too many pixels

deblend_patchedTemplate (type=boolean): This source was near an image edge and the deblender used “patched” edge-handling.

deblend_psf_instFlux (unit=count, type=double): If deblended-as-psf, the instrumental PSF flux

deblend_psfCenter_x (unit=pixel, type=double): If deblended-as-psf, the PSF centroid

deblend_psfCenter_y (unit=pixel, type=double): If deblended-as-psf, the PSF centroid

deblend_psfflux (unit=count, type=double): If deblended-as-psf, the instrumental PSF flux

deblend_rampedTemplate (type=boolean): This source was near an image edge and the deblender used “ramp” edge-handling.

deblend_tooManyPeaks (type=boolean): Source had too many peaks; only the brightest were included

ext_shapeHSM_HsmPsfMoments_flag (type=boolean): general failure flag, set if anything went wrong

ext_shapeHSM_HsmPsfMoments_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean): General Failure Flag

ext_shapeHSM_HsmPsfMoments_flag_no_pixels (type=boolean): no pixels to measure

ext_shapeHSM_HsmPsfMoments_flag_not_contained (type=boolean): center not contained in footprint bounding box

ext_shapeHSM_HsmPsfMoments_flag_parent_source (type=boolean): parent source, ignored

ext_shapeHSM_HsmPsfMoments_x (unit=pixel, type=double): HSM Centroid

ext_shapeHSM_HsmPsfMoments_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): HSM moments

ext_shapeHSM_HsmPsfMoments_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): HSM moments

ext_shapeHSM_HsmPsfMoments_y (unit=pixel, type=double): HSM Centroid

ext_shapeHSM_HsmPsfMoments_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): HSM moments

ext_shapeHSM_HsmShapeRegauss_e1 (type=double): PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) ‘’regaussianization

ext_shapeHSM_HsmShapeRegauss_e2 (type=double): PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) ‘’regaussianization

ext_shapeHSM_HsmShapeRegauss_flag (type=boolean): general failure flag, set if anything went wrong

ext_shapeHSM_HsmShapeRegauss_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean): General Failure Flag

ext_shapeHSM_HsmShapeRegauss_flag_galsim (type=boolean): GalSim failure

ext_shapeHSM_HsmShapeRegauss_flag_no_pixels (type=boolean): no pixels to measure

ext_shapeHSM_HsmShapeRegauss_flag_not_contained (type=boolean): center not contained in footprint bounding box

ext_shapeHSM_HsmShapeRegauss_flag_parent_source (type=boolean): parent source, ignored

ext_shapeHSM_HsmShapeRegauss_resolution (type=double): resolution factor (0=unresolved, 1=resolved)

ext_shapeHSM_HsmShapeRegauss_sigma (type=double): PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) ‘’regaussianization

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_flag (type=boolean): general failure flag, set if anything went wrong

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean): General Failure Flag

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_flag_no_pixels (type=boolean): no pixels to measure

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_flag_not_contained (type=boolean): center not contained in footprint bounding box

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_flag_parent_source (type=boolean): parent source, ignored

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_x (unit=pixel, type=double): HSM Centroid

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): HSM moments

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): HSM moments

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_y (unit=pixel, type=double): HSM Centroid

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): HSM moments

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMomentsRound_flag (type=boolean): general failure flag, set if anything went wrong

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMomentsRound_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean): General Failure Flag

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMomentsRound_flag_no_pixels (type=boolean): no pixels to measure

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMomentsRound_flag_not_contained (type=boolean): center not contained in footprint bounding box

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMomentsRound_flag_parent_source (type=boolean): parent source, ignored

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMomentsRound_Flux (type=double): HSM flux

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMomentsRound_x (unit=pixel, type=double): HSM Centroid

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMomentsRound_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): HSM moments

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMomentsRound_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): HSM moments

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMomentsRound_y (unit=pixel, type=double): HSM Centroid

ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMomentsRound_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): HSM moments

modelfit_CModel_apCorr (type=double): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel

modelfit_CModel_apCorrErr (type=double): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel

modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorr (type=double): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev

modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorrErr (type=double): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev

modelfit_CModel_dev_ellipse_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): half-light ellipse of the de Vaucouleur fit

modelfit_CModel_dev_ellipse_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): half-light ellipse of the de Vaucouleur fit

modelfit_CModel_dev_ellipse_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): half-light ellipse of the de Vaucouleur fit

modelfit_CModel_dev_fixed_0 (type=double): fixed parameters for the de Vaucouleur fit

modelfit_CModel_dev_fixed_1 (type=double): fixed parameters for the de Vaucouleur fit

modelfit_CModel_dev_flag (type=boolean): flag set when the flux for the de Vaucouleur flux failed

modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_apCorr (type=boolean): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_dev

modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_maxIter (type=boolean): the optimizer hit the maximum number of iterations and did not converge

modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_numericError (type=boolean): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.

modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_trSmall (type=boolean): the optimizer converged because the trust radius became too small; this is a less-secure result than when the gradient is below the threshold, but usually not a problem

modelfit_CModel_dev_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit region, with no extrapolation

modelfit_CModel_dev_instFlux (unit=count, type=double): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit

modelfit_CModel_dev_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double): flux uncertainty from the de Vaucouleur fit

modelfit_CModel_dev_nIter (type=int): Number of total iterations in stage

modelfit_CModel_dev_nonlinear_0 (type=double): nonlinear parameters for the de Vaucouleur fit

modelfit_CModel_dev_nonlinear_1 (type=double): nonlinear parameters for the de Vaucouleur fit

modelfit_CModel_dev_nonlinear_2 (type=double): nonlinear parameters for the de Vaucouleur fit

modelfit_CModel_dev_objective (type=double): -ln(likelihood*prior) at best-fit point for the de Vaucouleur fit

modelfit_CModel_dev_time (unit=second, type=double): Time spent in stage

modelfit_CModel_ellipse_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): fracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse

modelfit_CModel_ellipse_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): fracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse

modelfit_CModel_ellipse_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): fracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse

modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorr (type=double): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp

modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorrErr (type=double): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp

modelfit_CModel_exp_ellipse_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): half-light ellipse of the exponential fit

modelfit_CModel_exp_ellipse_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): half-light ellipse of the exponential fit

modelfit_CModel_exp_ellipse_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): half-light ellipse of the exponential fit

modelfit_CModel_exp_fixed_0 (type=double): fixed parameters for the exponential fit

modelfit_CModel_exp_fixed_1 (type=double): fixed parameters for the exponential fit

modelfit_CModel_exp_flag (type=boolean): flag set when the flux for the exponential flux failed

modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_apCorr (type=boolean): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_exp

modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_maxIter (type=boolean): the optimizer hit the maximum number of iterations and did not converge

modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_numericError (type=boolean): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.

modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_trSmall (type=boolean): the optimizer converged because the trust radius became too small; this is a less-secure result than when the gradient is below the threshold, but usually not a problem

modelfit_CModel_exp_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double): flux from the exponential fit region, with no extrapolation

modelfit_CModel_exp_instFlux (unit=count, type=double): flux from the exponential fit

modelfit_CModel_exp_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double): flux uncertainty from the exponential fit

modelfit_CModel_exp_nIter (type=int): Number of total iterations in stage

modelfit_CModel_exp_nonlinear_0 (type=double): nonlinear parameters for the exponential fit

modelfit_CModel_exp_nonlinear_1 (type=double): nonlinear parameters for the exponential fit

modelfit_CModel_exp_nonlinear_2 (type=double): nonlinear parameters for the exponential fit

modelfit_CModel_exp_objective (type=double): -ln(likelihood*prior) at best-fit point for the exponential fit

modelfit_CModel_exp_time (unit=second, type=double): Time spent in stage

modelfit_CModel_flag_apCorr (type=boolean): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel

modelfit_CModel_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean): input centroid was not within the fit region (probably because it’’s not within the Footprint)

modelfit_CModel_flag_noShape (type=boolean): the shape slot needed to initialize the parameters failed or was not defined

modelfit_CModel_flag_noShapeletPsf (type=boolean): the multishapelet fit to the PSF model did not succeed

modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxArea (type=boolean): number of pixels in fit region exceeded the region.maxArea value

modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxBadPixelFraction (type=boolean): the fraction of bad/clipped pixels in the fit region exceeded region.maxBadPixelFraction

modelfit_CModel_flags_region_usedFootprintArea (type=boolean): the pixel region for the initial fit was defined by the area of the Footprint

modelfit_CModel_flags_region_usedInitialEllipseMax (type=boolean): the pixel region for the final fit was set to the upper bound defined by the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_flags_region_usedInitialEllipseMin (type=boolean): the pixel region for the final fit was set to the lower bound defined by the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_flags_region_usedPsfArea (type=boolean): the pixel region for the initial fit was set to a fixed factor of the PSF area

modelfit_CModel_flags_smallShape (type=boolean): initial parameter guess resulted in negative radius; used minimum of 0.100000 pixels instead.

modelfit_CModel_fracDev (type=double): fraction of flux in de Vaucouleur component

modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorr (type=double): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial

modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorrErr (type=double): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial

modelfit_CModel_initial_ellipse_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): half-light ellipse of the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_initial_ellipse_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): half-light ellipse of the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_initial_ellipse_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): half-light ellipse of the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_initial_fixed_0 (type=double): fixed parameters for the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_initial_fixed_1 (type=double): fixed parameters for the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_initial_flag (type=boolean): flag set when the flux for the initial flux failed

modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_apCorr (type=boolean): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_initial

modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_maxIter (type=boolean): the optimizer hit the maximum number of iterations and did not converge

modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_numericError (type=boolean): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.

modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_trSmall (type=boolean): the optimizer converged because the trust radius became too small; this is a less-secure result than when the gradient is below the threshold, but usually not a problem

modelfit_CModel_initial_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double): flux from the initial fit region, with no extrapolation

modelfit_CModel_initial_instFlux (unit=count, type=double): flux from the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_initial_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double): flux uncertainty from the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_initial_nIter (type=int): Number of total iterations in stage

modelfit_CModel_initial_nonlinear_0 (type=double): nonlinear parameters for the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_initial_nonlinear_1 (type=double): nonlinear parameters for the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_initial_nonlinear_2 (type=double): nonlinear parameters for the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_initial_objective (type=double): -ln(likelihood*prior) at best-fit point for the initial fit

modelfit_CModel_initial_time (unit=second, type=double): Time spent in stage

modelfit_CModel_instFlux (unit=count, type=double): flux from the final cmodel fit

modelfit_CModel_instFlux_inner (unit=count, type=double): flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation

modelfit_CModel_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double): flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit

modelfit_CModel_objective (type=double): -ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit

modelfit_CModel_region_final_ellipse_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): ellipse used to set the pixel region for the final fit (before applying bad pixel mask)

modelfit_CModel_region_final_ellipse_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): ellipse used to set the pixel region for the final fit (before applying bad pixel mask)

modelfit_CModel_region_final_ellipse_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): ellipse used to set the pixel region for the final fit (before applying bad pixel mask)

modelfit_CModel_region_initial_ellipse_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double): ellipse used to set the pixel region for the initial fit (before applying bad pixel mask)

modelfit_CModel_region_initial_ellipse_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): ellipse used to set the pixel region for the initial fit (before applying bad pixel mask)

modelfit_CModel_region_initial_ellipse_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double): ellipse used to set the pixel region for the initial fit (before applying bad pixel mask)