RSP Usage Risks¶
During DP0, everyone is responsible for their own safe usage of the shared-risk, in-development version of the RSP at the IDF.
When in doubt, post questions in the “Support – Data Preview 0” category in the Community Forum.
Data Sharing and Safeguards¶
A number of safeguards for avoiding uptime or temporary data loss will not be present – the resources are still in “trusted user” mode.
The fact that anyone could PRUNE, there’s no provenance for destruction, and how to avoid accidental wipe-outs.
Do we have shared data sets? We did on the NCSA RSP. (HFC: what kinds of shared datasets are you thinking here? The only data set we officially provide is the DP0.1 data set. There are a lot more data on NCSA’s filesystem and we never intended to have them on IDF.)
Do we have access to other users’ home directories?
Need some warnings about per-user data quota.
Need some warnings about shared-write area.
RSP Compute Performance¶
Performance during DP0 may not reflect the performance of the final system (see also Q4), and the resources made available to DP0 delegates may not reflect the final user quotas of the operations-era RSP.
How about running cron jobs? (HFC: I don’t think we would let delegates run cron. But what is the motivation of wanting to run cron?)
What about abusing resources?
Testing how algorithms will scale: No access to user batch or parallelisation are available in DP0. Resources provided as part of DP0.1 are limited and meaningful scalability testing of algorithms is not practical.
RSP Aspect Functionality Limits¶
Some major usability features will not be available, such as support for user database tables; support for parallelized or batch computation; the ability to sync files between RSP accounts and personal devices; and the ability to manage the sharing of data within private groups.
Users installing code: DP0 delegates will be able to add software that can be installed without privileges into their own homespace (eg. via pip install –user) for their personal use to the extent that their quota allows.
Bulk Downloads are not Supported¶
Bulk downloads: No, bulk data downloads from the RSP specifically, or the IDF in general, are not supported during DP0. This is because bulk download services are not yet in production, and because the major goals of DP0 are to allow Rubin Observatory to evaluate how the community uses the services, and for the community to become familiar with the RSP environment. Note that DESC has made the DC2 DR6 catalogs publicly available via:
Stuff That We Know Does Not Work¶
(Here is space for a list of known issues and stuff that doesn’t work in , e.g., the portal. Especially the portal. To avoid people thinking “This is too hard to figure out” when really it’s just a feature that’s not done.)
ADQL functionality that does not yet work: AREA BOX COORDSYS COORD1 COORD2 INTERSECTS
The only coordinate system currently supported is ‘ICRS’.
MLG Did Not Know The Category¶
The DP0.1 repo at IDF is one older version of the /repo/dc2 repo at NCSA. New updates in NCSA’s repo are not ported to IDF. Note that the goals of the two repos are different: the IDF’s repo is frozen like a data release; the NCSA’s repo is evolving to meet developer need. (HFC: This is only to avoid confusion for those delegates who are also in the Stack Club or have access to the LSST infrastructure at NCSA.)