Schema for dp01_dc2_catalogs.forced_photometry¶
coord_dec (unit=rad, type=double): position in ra/dec
coord_ra (unit=rad, type=double): position in ra/dec
g_base_ClassificationExtendedness_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set to 1 for any fatal failure.
g_base_ClassificationExtendedness_value (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.00E+00): Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources.
g_base_InputCount_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Set for any fatal failure
g_base_InputCount_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
g_base_InputCount_flag_noInputs (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): No coadd inputs available
g_base_InputCount_value (type=int, min=4.00E+01, max=5.20E+01): Number of images contributing at center, not including anyclipping
g_base_LocalBackground_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
g_base_LocalBackground_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
g_base_LocalBackground_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): no good pixels in the annulus
g_base_LocalBackground_flag_noPsf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): no PSF provided
g_base_LocalBackground_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.90E-03, max=1.56E-01): background in annulus around source
g_base_LocalBackground_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=4.59E-18, max=8.22E-02): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
g_base_PixelFlags_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): General failure flag, set if anything went wrong
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_bad (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Bad pixel in the Source footprint
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_object (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source footprint includes BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_objectCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is close to BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_clipped (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source footprint includes CLIPPED pixels
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_clippedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is close to CLIPPED pixels
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_cr (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Cosmic ray in the Source footprint
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_crCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Cosmic ray in the Source center
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source is outside usable exposure region (masked EDGE or NO_DATA)
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psf (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes INEXACT_PSF pixels
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psfCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to INEXACT_PSF pixels
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolated (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolatedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Interpolated pixel in the Source center
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_offimage (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is off image
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_rejected (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes REJECTED pixels
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_rejectedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to REJECTED pixels
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_saturated (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Saturated pixel in the Source footprint
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_saturatedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Saturated pixel in the Source center
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes SENSOR_EDGE pixels
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edgeCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to SENSOR_EDGE pixels
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_suspect (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source’’s footprint includes suspect pixels
g_base_PixelFlags_flag_suspectCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source’’s center is close to suspect pixels
g_base_PsfFlux_apCorr (type=double, min=9.93E-01, max=9.95E-01): aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
g_base_PsfFlux_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
g_base_PsfFlux_area (unit=pixel, type=double, min=4.97E+01, max=5.43E+01): effective area of PSF
g_base_PsfFlux_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
g_base_PsfFlux_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux
g_base_PsfFlux_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
g_base_PsfFlux_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model
g_base_PsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit
g_base_PsfFlux_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.97E-01, max=2.25E+04): instFlux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model
g_base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=1.80E-01, max=4.42E+00): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
g_base_SdssCentroid_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
g_base_SdssCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Almost vanishing second derivative
g_base_SdssCentroid_flag_badInitialCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): whether the reference centroid is marked as bad
g_base_SdssCentroid_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Object too close to edge
g_base_SdssCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Vanishing second derivative
g_base_SdssCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Object is not at a maximum
g_base_SdssCentroid_flag_resetToPeak (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): set if CentroidChecker reset the centroid
g_base_SdssCentroid_x (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.01E+03, max=1.20E+04): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
g_base_SdssCentroid_xErr (unit=pixel, type=double, min=6.13E-04, max=2.74E+04): 1-sigma uncertainty on x position
g_base_SdssCentroid_y (unit=pixel, type=double, min=2.42E+04, max=2.45E+04): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
g_base_SdssCentroid_yErr (unit=pixel, type=double, min=5.79E-04, max=3.47E+03): 1-sigma uncertainty on y position
g_base_SdssShape_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
g_base_SdssShape_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
g_base_SdssShape_flag_maxIter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Too many iterations in adaptive moments
g_base_SdssShape_flag_psf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Failure in measuring PSF model shape
g_base_SdssShape_flag_shift (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): centroid shifted by more than the maximum allowed amount
g_base_SdssShape_flag_unweighted (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Weighted moments converged to an invalid value; using unweighted moments
g_base_SdssShape_flag_unweightedBad (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Both weighted and unweighted moments were invalid
g_base_SdssShape_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=3.70E-01, max=2.43E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
g_base_SdssShape_instFlux_xx_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-1.85E+02, max=-4.35E-04): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xx
g_base_SdssShape_instFlux_xy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-3.39E+01, max=-9.21E-04): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xy
g_base_SdssShape_instFlux_yy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-2.73E+01, max=6.56E+01): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_yy
g_base_SdssShape_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=7.46E-02, max=1.87E+01): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
g_base_SdssShape_psf_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=3.36E+00, max=3.64E+00): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
g_base_SdssShape_psf_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=-1.40E-03, max=1.63E-02): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
g_base_SdssShape_psf_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=3.08E+00, max=3.33E+00): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
g_base_SdssShape_x (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.01E+03, max=1.20E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
g_base_SdssShape_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=5.14E-02, max=3.39E+05): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
g_base_SdssShape_xxErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=2.66E-03, max=5.18E+02): Standard deviation of xx moment
g_base_SdssShape_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=-5.49E+04, max=2.40E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
g_base_SdssShape_xyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=2.45E-03, max=8.10E+01): Standard deviation of xy moment
g_base_SdssShape_y (unit=pixel, type=double, min=2.42E+04, max=2.45E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
g_base_SdssShape_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=8.33E-02, max=2.78E+05): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
g_base_SdssShape_yyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=1.81E-03, max=1.84E+02): Standard deviation of yy moment
g_base_Variance_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set for any fatal failure
g_base_Variance_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
g_base_Variance_flag_emptyFootprint (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set to True when the footprint has no usable pixels
g_base_Variance_value (type=double, min=6.33E-04, max=8.31E-04): Variance at object position
g_good (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): True if the source has no flagged pixels.
g_modelfit_CModel_apCorr (type=double, min=9.91E-01, max=9.93E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel
g_modelfit_CModel_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel
g_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorr (type=double, min=9.90E-01, max=9.92E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev
g_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev
g_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the de Vaucouleur flux failed
g_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_dev
g_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
g_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
g_modelfit_CModel_dev_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.11E-01, max=3.15E+03): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit region, with no extrapolation
g_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.62E-01, max=3.75E+03): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit
g_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=1.81E-01, max=6.61E+00): flux uncertainty from the de Vaucouleur fit
g_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorr (type=double, min=9.91E-01, max=9.93E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp
g_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp
g_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the exponential flux failed
g_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_exp
g_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
g_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
g_modelfit_CModel_exp_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.08E-01, max=3.15E+03): flux from the exponential fit region, with no extrapolation
g_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.28E-01, max=3.75E+03): flux from the exponential fit
g_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=1.82E-01, max=4.15E+00): flux uncertainty from the exponential fit
g_modelfit_CModel_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed
g_modelfit_CModel_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel
g_modelfit_CModel_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): input centroid was not within the fit region (probably because it’’s not within the Footprint)
g_modelfit_CModel_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
g_modelfit_CModel_flag_noShapeletPsf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): the multishapelet fit to the PSF model did not succeed
g_modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxArea (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): number of pixels in fit region exceeded the region.maxArea value
g_modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxBadPixelFraction (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): the fraction of bad/clipped pixels in the fit region exceeded region.maxBadPixelFraction
g_modelfit_CModel_fracDev (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.00E+00): fraction of flux in de Vaucouleur component
g_modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorr (type=double, min=9.91E-01, max=9.93E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial
g_modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial
g_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the initial flux failed
g_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_initial
g_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
g_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
g_modelfit_CModel_initial_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.03E-01, max=3.15E+03): flux from the initial fit region, with no extrapolation
g_modelfit_CModel_initial_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.15E-01, max=3.76E+03): flux from the initial fit
g_modelfit_CModel_initial_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=1.84E-01, max=2.83E+00): flux uncertainty from the initial fit
g_modelfit_CModel_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.28E-01, max=3.75E+03): flux from the final cmodel fit
g_modelfit_CModel_instFlux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.08E-01, max=3.15E+03): flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation
g_modelfit_CModel_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=1.81E-01, max=4.94E+00): flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit
g_modelfit_CModel_objective (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.07E+01): -ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit
i_base_ClassificationExtendedness_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set to 1 for any fatal failure.
i_base_ClassificationExtendedness_value (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.00E+00): Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources.
i_base_InputCount_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Set for any fatal failure
i_base_InputCount_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
i_base_InputCount_flag_noInputs (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): No coadd inputs available
i_base_InputCount_value (type=int, min=9.40E+01, max=1.08E+02): Number of images contributing at center, not including anyclipping
i_base_LocalBackground_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
i_base_LocalBackground_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
i_base_LocalBackground_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): no good pixels in the annulus
i_base_LocalBackground_flag_noPsf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): no PSF provided
i_base_LocalBackground_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-3.61E-03, max=2.13E-01): background in annulus around source
i_base_LocalBackground_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=8.01E-10, max=1.15E-01): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
i_base_PixelFlags_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): General failure flag, set if anything went wrong
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_bad (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Bad pixel in the Source footprint
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_object (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source footprint includes BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_objectCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is close to BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_clipped (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes CLIPPED pixels
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_clippedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is close to CLIPPED pixels
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_cr (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Cosmic ray in the Source footprint
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_crCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Cosmic ray in the Source center
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source is outside usable exposure region (masked EDGE or NO_DATA)
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psf (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes INEXACT_PSF pixels
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psfCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to INEXACT_PSF pixels
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolated (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolatedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Interpolated pixel in the Source center
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_offimage (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is off image
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_rejected (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes REJECTED pixels
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_rejectedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to REJECTED pixels
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_saturated (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Saturated pixel in the Source footprint
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_saturatedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Saturated pixel in the Source center
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes SENSOR_EDGE pixels
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edgeCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to SENSOR_EDGE pixels
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_suspect (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source’’s footprint includes suspect pixels
i_base_PixelFlags_flag_suspectCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source’’s center is close to suspect pixels
i_base_PsfFlux_apCorr (type=double, min=9.95E-01, max=9.97E-01): aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
i_base_PsfFlux_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
i_base_PsfFlux_area (unit=pixel, type=double, min=4.57E+01, max=4.88E+01): effective area of PSF
i_base_PsfFlux_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
i_base_PsfFlux_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux
i_base_PsfFlux_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
i_base_PsfFlux_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model
i_base_PsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit
i_base_PsfFlux_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-4.02E-01, max=3.32E+04): instFlux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model
i_base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=4.04E-01, max=4.42E+00): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
i_base_SdssCentroid_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
i_base_SdssCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Almost vanishing second derivative
i_base_SdssCentroid_flag_badInitialCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): whether the reference centroid is marked as bad
i_base_SdssCentroid_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Object too close to edge
i_base_SdssCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Vanishing second derivative
i_base_SdssCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Object is not at a maximum
i_base_SdssCentroid_flag_resetToPeak (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): set if CentroidChecker reset the centroid
i_base_SdssCentroid_x (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.01E+03, max=1.20E+04): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
i_base_SdssCentroid_xErr (unit=pixel, type=double, min=4.33E-04, max=9.43E+03): 1-sigma uncertainty on x position
i_base_SdssCentroid_y (unit=pixel, type=double, min=2.42E+04, max=2.45E+04): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
i_base_SdssCentroid_yErr (unit=pixel, type=double, min=4.34E-04, max=7.98E+03): 1-sigma uncertainty on y position
i_base_SdssShape_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
i_base_SdssShape_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
i_base_SdssShape_flag_maxIter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Too many iterations in adaptive moments
i_base_SdssShape_flag_psf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Failure in measuring PSF model shape
i_base_SdssShape_flag_shift (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): centroid shifted by more than the maximum allowed amount
i_base_SdssShape_flag_unweighted (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Weighted moments converged to an invalid value; using unweighted moments
i_base_SdssShape_flag_unweightedBad (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Both weighted and unweighted moments were invalid
i_base_SdssShape_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=7.87E-01, max=3.46E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
i_base_SdssShape_instFlux_xx_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-1.06E+02, max=-1.84E-03): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xx
i_base_SdssShape_instFlux_xy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-1.04E+02, max=-1.22E-03): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xy
i_base_SdssShape_instFlux_yy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-7.19E+01, max=4.54E+01): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_yy
i_base_SdssShape_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=1.72E-01, max=1.01E+01): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
i_base_SdssShape_psf_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=2.99E+00, max=3.16E+00): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
i_base_SdssShape_psf_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=-9.49E-03, max=5.02E-03): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
i_base_SdssShape_psf_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=2.97E+00, max=3.14E+00): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
i_base_SdssShape_x (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.01E+03, max=1.20E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
i_base_SdssShape_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=8.33E-02, max=3.61E+05): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
i_base_SdssShape_xxErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=1.72E-03, max=1.42E+02): Standard deviation of xx moment
i_base_SdssShape_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=-1.01E+04, max=5.69E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
i_base_SdssShape_xyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=1.70E-03, max=1.11E+02): Standard deviation of xy moment
i_base_SdssShape_y (unit=pixel, type=double, min=2.42E+04, max=2.45E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
i_base_SdssShape_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=8.33E-02, max=2.91E+05): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
i_base_SdssShape_yyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=1.21E-03, max=6.78E+01): Standard deviation of yy moment
i_base_Variance_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set for any fatal failure
i_base_Variance_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
i_base_Variance_flag_emptyFootprint (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set to True when the footprint has no usable pixels
i_base_Variance_value (type=double, min=3.48E-03, max=4.04E-03): Variance at object position
i_good (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): True if the source has no flagged pixels.
i_modelfit_CModel_apCorr (type=double, min=9.92E-01, max=9.94E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel
i_modelfit_CModel_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel
i_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorr (type=double, min=9.92E-01, max=9.94E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev
i_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev
i_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the de Vaucouleur flux failed
i_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_dev
i_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
i_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
i_modelfit_CModel_dev_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-3.40E-01, max=5.77E+03): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit region, with no extrapolation
i_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-3.74E-01, max=6.72E+03): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit
i_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=4.07E-01, max=1.43E+01): flux uncertainty from the de Vaucouleur fit
i_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorr (type=double, min=9.92E-01, max=9.94E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp
i_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp
i_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the exponential flux failed
i_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_exp
i_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
i_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
i_modelfit_CModel_exp_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-3.40E-01, max=5.77E+03): flux from the exponential fit region, with no extrapolation
i_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-3.74E-01, max=6.72E+03): flux from the exponential fit
i_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=4.07E-01, max=9.12E+00): flux uncertainty from the exponential fit
i_modelfit_CModel_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed
i_modelfit_CModel_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel
i_modelfit_CModel_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): input centroid was not within the fit region (probably because it’’s not within the Footprint)
i_modelfit_CModel_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
i_modelfit_CModel_flag_noShapeletPsf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): the multishapelet fit to the PSF model did not succeed
i_modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxArea (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): number of pixels in fit region exceeded the region.maxArea value
i_modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxBadPixelFraction (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): the fraction of bad/clipped pixels in the fit region exceeded region.maxBadPixelFraction
i_modelfit_CModel_fracDev (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.00E+00): fraction of flux in de Vaucouleur component
i_modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorr (type=double, min=9.92E-01, max=9.94E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial
i_modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial
i_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the initial flux failed
i_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_initial
i_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
i_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
i_modelfit_CModel_initial_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-3.40E-01, max=5.77E+03): flux from the initial fit region, with no extrapolation
i_modelfit_CModel_initial_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-3.74E-01, max=6.72E+03): flux from the initial fit
i_modelfit_CModel_initial_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=4.07E-01, max=6.12E+00): flux uncertainty from the initial fit
i_modelfit_CModel_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-3.74E-01, max=6.72E+03): flux from the final cmodel fit
i_modelfit_CModel_instFlux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-3.40E-01, max=5.77E+03): flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation
i_modelfit_CModel_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=4.07E-01, max=1.01E+01): flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit
i_modelfit_CModel_objective (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=5.54E+01): -ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit
objectId (type=long): Unique id.
r_base_ClassificationExtendedness_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set to 1 for any fatal failure.
r_base_ClassificationExtendedness_value (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.00E+00): Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources.
r_base_InputCount_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Set for any fatal failure
r_base_InputCount_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
r_base_InputCount_flag_noInputs (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): No coadd inputs available
r_base_InputCount_value (type=int, min=9.60E+01, max=1.12E+02): Number of images contributing at center, not including anyclipping
r_base_LocalBackground_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
r_base_LocalBackground_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
r_base_LocalBackground_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): no good pixels in the annulus
r_base_LocalBackground_flag_noPsf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): no PSF provided
r_base_LocalBackground_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.27E-03, max=1.75E-01): background in annulus around source
r_base_LocalBackground_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=3.67E-28, max=9.26E-02): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
r_base_PixelFlags_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): General failure flag, set if anything went wrong
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_bad (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Bad pixel in the Source footprint
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_object (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source footprint includes BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_objectCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is close to BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_clipped (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source footprint includes CLIPPED pixels
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_clippedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is close to CLIPPED pixels
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_cr (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Cosmic ray in the Source footprint
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_crCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Cosmic ray in the Source center
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source is outside usable exposure region (masked EDGE or NO_DATA)
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psf (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes INEXACT_PSF pixels
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psfCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to INEXACT_PSF pixels
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolated (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolatedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Interpolated pixel in the Source center
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_offimage (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is off image
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_rejected (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes REJECTED pixels
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_rejectedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to REJECTED pixels
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_saturated (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Saturated pixel in the Source footprint
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_saturatedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Saturated pixel in the Source center
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes SENSOR_EDGE pixels
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edgeCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to SENSOR_EDGE pixels
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_suspect (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source’’s footprint includes suspect pixels
r_base_PixelFlags_flag_suspectCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source’’s center is close to suspect pixels
r_base_PsfFlux_apCorr (type=double, min=9.93E-01, max=9.96E-01): aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
r_base_PsfFlux_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
r_base_PsfFlux_area (unit=pixel, type=double, min=4.89E+01, max=5.28E+01): effective area of PSF
r_base_PsfFlux_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
r_base_PsfFlux_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux
r_base_PsfFlux_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
r_base_PsfFlux_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model
r_base_PsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit
r_base_PsfFlux_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.76E-01, max=2.67E+04): instFlux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model
r_base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=2.26E-01, max=4.55E+00): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
r_base_SdssCentroid_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
r_base_SdssCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Almost vanishing second derivative
r_base_SdssCentroid_flag_badInitialCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): whether the reference centroid is marked as bad
r_base_SdssCentroid_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Object too close to edge
r_base_SdssCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Vanishing second derivative
r_base_SdssCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Object is not at a maximum
r_base_SdssCentroid_flag_resetToPeak (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): set if CentroidChecker reset the centroid
r_base_SdssCentroid_x (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.01E+03, max=1.20E+04): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
r_base_SdssCentroid_xErr (unit=pixel, type=double, min=4.99E-04, max=8.25E+03): 1-sigma uncertainty on x position
r_base_SdssCentroid_y (unit=pixel, type=double, min=2.42E+04, max=2.45E+04): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
r_base_SdssCentroid_yErr (unit=pixel, type=double, min=4.98E-04, max=4.97E+03): 1-sigma uncertainty on y position
r_base_SdssShape_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
r_base_SdssShape_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
r_base_SdssShape_flag_maxIter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Too many iterations in adaptive moments
r_base_SdssShape_flag_psf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Failure in measuring PSF model shape
r_base_SdssShape_flag_shift (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): centroid shifted by more than the maximum allowed amount
r_base_SdssShape_flag_unweighted (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Weighted moments converged to an invalid value; using unweighted moments
r_base_SdssShape_flag_unweightedBad (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Both weighted and unweighted moments were invalid
r_base_SdssShape_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=2.45E-01, max=3.05E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
r_base_SdssShape_instFlux_xx_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-5.84E+01, max=-2.58E-04): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xx
r_base_SdssShape_instFlux_xy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-6.71E+02, max=-3.26E-04): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xy
r_base_SdssShape_instFlux_yy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-5.06E+01, max=1.64E+01): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_yy
r_base_SdssShape_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=6.40E-02, max=8.30E+00): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
r_base_SdssShape_psf_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=3.16E+00, max=3.39E+00): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
r_base_SdssShape_psf_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=-2.93E-03, max=6.05E-03): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
r_base_SdssShape_psf_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=3.11E+00, max=3.34E+00): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
r_base_SdssShape_x (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.01E+03, max=1.20E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
r_base_SdssShape_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=8.33E-02, max=3.53E+05): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
r_base_SdssShape_xxErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=2.00E-03, max=1.04E+02): Standard deviation of xx moment
r_base_SdssShape_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=-8.17E+03, max=1.21E+05): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
r_base_SdssShape_xyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=1.96E-03, max=1.10E+03): Standard deviation of xy moment
r_base_SdssShape_y (unit=pixel, type=double, min=2.42E+04, max=2.45E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
r_base_SdssShape_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=8.33E-02, max=3.69E+05): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
r_base_SdssShape_yyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=1.40E-03, max=9.07E+01): Standard deviation of yy moment
r_base_Variance_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set for any fatal failure
r_base_Variance_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
r_base_Variance_flag_emptyFootprint (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set to True when the footprint has no usable pixels
r_base_Variance_value (type=double, min=1.01E-03, max=1.22E-03): Variance at object position
r_good (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): True if the source has no flagged pixels.
r_modelfit_CModel_apCorr (type=double, min=9.91E-01, max=9.93E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel
r_modelfit_CModel_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel
r_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorr (type=double, min=9.91E-01, max=9.93E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev
r_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev
r_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the de Vaucouleur flux failed
r_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_dev
r_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
r_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
r_modelfit_CModel_dev_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.55E-01, max=4.78E+03): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit region, with no extrapolation
r_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.83E-01, max=5.66E+03): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit
r_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=2.26E-01, max=8.16E+00): flux uncertainty from the de Vaucouleur fit
r_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorr (type=double, min=9.91E-01, max=9.94E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp
r_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp
r_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the exponential flux failed
r_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_exp
r_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
r_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
r_modelfit_CModel_exp_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.44E-01, max=4.77E+03): flux from the exponential fit region, with no extrapolation
r_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.67E-01, max=5.66E+03): flux from the exponential fit
r_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=2.26E-01, max=4.86E+00): flux uncertainty from the exponential fit
r_modelfit_CModel_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed
r_modelfit_CModel_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel
r_modelfit_CModel_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): input centroid was not within the fit region (probably because it’’s not within the Footprint)
r_modelfit_CModel_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
r_modelfit_CModel_flag_noShapeletPsf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): the multishapelet fit to the PSF model did not succeed
r_modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxArea (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): number of pixels in fit region exceeded the region.maxArea value
r_modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxBadPixelFraction (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): the fraction of bad/clipped pixels in the fit region exceeded region.maxBadPixelFraction
r_modelfit_CModel_fracDev (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.00E+00): fraction of flux in de Vaucouleur component
r_modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorr (type=double, min=9.91E-01, max=9.94E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial
r_modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial
r_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the initial flux failed
r_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_initial
r_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
r_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
r_modelfit_CModel_initial_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.43E-01, max=4.78E+03): flux from the initial fit region, with no extrapolation
r_modelfit_CModel_initial_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.66E-01, max=5.67E+03): flux from the initial fit
r_modelfit_CModel_initial_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=2.26E-01, max=3.49E+00): flux uncertainty from the initial fit
r_modelfit_CModel_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.67E-01, max=5.66E+03): flux from the final cmodel fit
r_modelfit_CModel_instFlux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.44E-01, max=4.77E+03): flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation
r_modelfit_CModel_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=2.26E-01, max=5.96E+00): flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit
r_modelfit_CModel_objective (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.54E+01): -ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit
u_base_ClassificationExtendedness_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set to 1 for any fatal failure.
u_base_ClassificationExtendedness_value (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.00E+00): Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources.
u_base_InputCount_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Set for any fatal failure
u_base_InputCount_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
u_base_InputCount_flag_noInputs (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): No coadd inputs available
u_base_InputCount_value (type=int, min=2.40E+01, max=3.00E+01): Number of images contributing at center, not including anyclipping
u_base_LocalBackground_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
u_base_LocalBackground_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
u_base_LocalBackground_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): no good pixels in the annulus
u_base_LocalBackground_flag_noPsf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): no PSF provided
u_base_LocalBackground_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-6.38E-03, max=2.77E-02): background in annulus around source
u_base_LocalBackground_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=7.55E-03, max=9.07E-02): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
u_base_PixelFlags_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): General failure flag, set if anything went wrong
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_bad (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Bad pixel in the Source footprint
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_object (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source footprint includes BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_objectCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is close to BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_clipped (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source footprint includes CLIPPED pixels
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_clippedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is close to CLIPPED pixels
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_cr (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Cosmic ray in the Source footprint
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_crCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Cosmic ray in the Source center
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source is outside usable exposure region (masked EDGE or NO_DATA)
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psf (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes INEXACT_PSF pixels
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psfCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to INEXACT_PSF pixels
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolated (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolatedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Interpolated pixel in the Source center
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_offimage (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is off image
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_rejected (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes REJECTED pixels
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_rejectedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is close to REJECTED pixels
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_saturated (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Saturated pixel in the Source footprint
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_saturatedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Saturated pixel in the Source center
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes SENSOR_EDGE pixels
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edgeCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to SENSOR_EDGE pixels
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_suspect (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source’’s footprint includes suspect pixels
u_base_PixelFlags_flag_suspectCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source’’s center is close to suspect pixels
u_base_PsfFlux_apCorr (type=double, min=9.88E-01, max=9.92E-01): aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
u_base_PsfFlux_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
u_base_PsfFlux_area (unit=pixel, type=double, min=6.00E+01, max=6.84E+01): effective area of PSF
u_base_PsfFlux_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
u_base_PsfFlux_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux
u_base_PsfFlux_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
u_base_PsfFlux_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model
u_base_PsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit
u_base_PsfFlux_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.38E+00, max=1.33E+04): instFlux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model
u_base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=5.89E-01, max=6.15E+00): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
u_base_SdssCentroid_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
u_base_SdssCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Almost vanishing second derivative
u_base_SdssCentroid_flag_badInitialCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): whether the reference centroid is marked as bad
u_base_SdssCentroid_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Object too close to edge
u_base_SdssCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Vanishing second derivative
u_base_SdssCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Object is not at a maximum
u_base_SdssCentroid_flag_resetToPeak (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): set if CentroidChecker reset the centroid
u_base_SdssCentroid_x (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.01E+03, max=1.20E+04): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
u_base_SdssCentroid_xErr (unit=pixel, type=double, min=1.61E-03, max=1.15E+04): 1-sigma uncertainty on x position
u_base_SdssCentroid_y (unit=pixel, type=double, min=2.42E+04, max=2.45E+04): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
u_base_SdssCentroid_yErr (unit=pixel, type=double, min=1.46E-03, max=7.18E+03): 1-sigma uncertainty on y position
u_base_SdssShape_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
u_base_SdssShape_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
u_base_SdssShape_flag_maxIter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Too many iterations in adaptive moments
u_base_SdssShape_flag_psf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Failure in measuring PSF model shape
u_base_SdssShape_flag_shift (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): centroid shifted by more than the maximum allowed amount
u_base_SdssShape_flag_unweighted (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Weighted moments converged to an invalid value; using unweighted moments
u_base_SdssShape_flag_unweightedBad (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Both weighted and unweighted moments were invalid
u_base_SdssShape_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=5.45E-01, max=1.22E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
u_base_SdssShape_instFlux_xx_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-2.01E+03, max=-9.06E-04): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xx
u_base_SdssShape_instFlux_xy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-4.05E+03, max=-9.05E-04): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xy
u_base_SdssShape_instFlux_yy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-1.39E+03, max=1.18E+03): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_yy
u_base_SdssShape_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=1.40E-01, max=9.74E+00): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
u_base_SdssShape_psf_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=4.21E+00, max=4.76E+00): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
u_base_SdssShape_psf_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=-5.16E-02, max=-1.28E-02): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
u_base_SdssShape_psf_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=3.72E+00, max=4.21E+00): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
u_base_SdssShape_x (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.01E+03, max=1.20E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
u_base_SdssShape_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=8.33E-02, max=7.45E+03): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
u_base_SdssShape_xxErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=6.87E-03, max=1.11E+03): Standard deviation of xx moment
u_base_SdssShape_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=-1.06E+03, max=1.30E+03): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
u_base_SdssShape_xyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=6.25E-03, max=2.76E+03): Standard deviation of xy moment
u_base_SdssShape_y (unit=pixel, type=double, min=2.42E+04, max=2.45E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
u_base_SdssShape_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=6.71E-03, max=6.78E+03): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
u_base_SdssShape_yyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=4.71E-03, max=9.48E+02): Standard deviation of yy moment
u_base_Variance_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set for any fatal failure
u_base_Variance_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
u_base_Variance_flag_emptyFootprint (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set to True when the footprint has no usable pixels
u_base_Variance_value (type=double, min=5.46E-03, max=7.57E-03): Variance at object position
u_good (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): True if the source has no flagged pixels.
u_modelfit_CModel_apCorr (type=double, min=9.87E-01, max=9.90E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel
u_modelfit_CModel_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel
u_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorr (type=double, min=9.86E-01, max=9.90E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev
u_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev
u_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the de Vaucouleur flux failed
u_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_dev
u_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
u_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
u_modelfit_CModel_dev_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.80E+00, max=1.19E+04): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit region, with no extrapolation
u_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.37E+00, max=1.36E+04): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit
u_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=5.95E-01, max=1.88E+01): flux uncertainty from the de Vaucouleur fit
u_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorr (type=double, min=9.87E-01, max=9.90E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp
u_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp
u_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the exponential flux failed
u_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_exp
u_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
u_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
u_modelfit_CModel_exp_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.87E+00, max=1.19E+04): flux from the exponential fit region, with no extrapolation
u_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.63E+00, max=1.36E+04): flux from the exponential fit
u_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=5.95E-01, max=1.17E+01): flux uncertainty from the exponential fit
u_modelfit_CModel_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed
u_modelfit_CModel_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel
u_modelfit_CModel_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): input centroid was not within the fit region (probably because it’’s not within the Footprint)
u_modelfit_CModel_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
u_modelfit_CModel_flag_noShapeletPsf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): the multishapelet fit to the PSF model did not succeed
u_modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxArea (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): number of pixels in fit region exceeded the region.maxArea value
u_modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxBadPixelFraction (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): the fraction of bad/clipped pixels in the fit region exceeded region.maxBadPixelFraction
u_modelfit_CModel_fracDev (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.00E+00): fraction of flux in de Vaucouleur component
u_modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorr (type=double, min=9.88E-01, max=9.91E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial
u_modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial
u_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the initial flux failed
u_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_initial
u_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
u_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
u_modelfit_CModel_initial_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.04E+00, max=1.19E+04): flux from the initial fit region, with no extrapolation
u_modelfit_CModel_initial_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.29E+00, max=1.35E+04): flux from the initial fit
u_modelfit_CModel_initial_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=5.96E-01, max=8.02E+00): flux uncertainty from the initial fit
u_modelfit_CModel_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.63E+00, max=1.36E+04): flux from the final cmodel fit
u_modelfit_CModel_instFlux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.87E+00, max=1.19E+04): flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation
u_modelfit_CModel_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=5.95E-01, max=1.43E+01): flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit
u_modelfit_CModel_objective (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.10E+03): -ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit
y_base_ClassificationExtendedness_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set to 1 for any fatal failure.
y_base_ClassificationExtendedness_value (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.00E+00): Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources.
y_base_InputCount_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Set for any fatal failure
y_base_InputCount_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
y_base_InputCount_flag_noInputs (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): No coadd inputs available
y_base_InputCount_value (type=int, min=5.50E+01, max=6.90E+01): Number of images contributing at center, not including anyclipping
y_base_LocalBackground_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
y_base_LocalBackground_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
y_base_LocalBackground_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): no good pixels in the annulus
y_base_LocalBackground_flag_noPsf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): no PSF provided
y_base_LocalBackground_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.11E-02, max=1.17E-01): background in annulus around source
y_base_LocalBackground_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=8.68E-02, max=2.96E-01): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
y_base_PixelFlags_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): General failure flag, set if anything went wrong
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_bad (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Bad pixel in the Source footprint
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_object (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source footprint includes BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_objectCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is close to BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_clipped (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes CLIPPED pixels
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_clippedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to CLIPPED pixels
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_cr (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Cosmic ray in the Source footprint
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_crCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Cosmic ray in the Source center
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source is outside usable exposure region (masked EDGE or NO_DATA)
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psf (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes INEXACT_PSF pixels
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psfCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to INEXACT_PSF pixels
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolated (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolatedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Interpolated pixel in the Source center
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_offimage (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is off image
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_rejected (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes REJECTED pixels
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_rejectedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to REJECTED pixels
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_saturated (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Saturated pixel in the Source footprint
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_saturatedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Saturated pixel in the Source center
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes SENSOR_EDGE pixels
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edgeCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to SENSOR_EDGE pixels
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_suspect (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source’’s footprint includes suspect pixels
y_base_PixelFlags_flag_suspectCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source’’s center is close to suspect pixels
y_base_PsfFlux_apCorr (type=double, min=9.92E-01, max=9.94E-01): aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
y_base_PsfFlux_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
y_base_PsfFlux_area (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.55E+01, max=9.03E+01): effective area of PSF
y_base_PsfFlux_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
y_base_PsfFlux_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux
y_base_PsfFlux_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
y_base_PsfFlux_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model
y_base_PsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit
y_base_PsfFlux_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-5.55E+00, max=4.16E+04): instFlux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model
y_base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=2.50E+00, max=9.25E+00): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
y_base_SdssCentroid_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
y_base_SdssCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Almost vanishing second derivative
y_base_SdssCentroid_flag_badInitialCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): whether the reference centroid is marked as bad
y_base_SdssCentroid_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Object too close to edge
y_base_SdssCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Vanishing second derivative
y_base_SdssCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Object is not at a maximum
y_base_SdssCentroid_flag_resetToPeak (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): set if CentroidChecker reset the centroid
y_base_SdssCentroid_x (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.01E+03, max=1.20E+04): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
y_base_SdssCentroid_xErr (unit=pixel, type=double, min=6.60E-04, max=5.59E+03): 1-sigma uncertainty on x position
y_base_SdssCentroid_y (unit=pixel, type=double, min=2.42E+04, max=2.45E+04): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
y_base_SdssCentroid_yErr (unit=pixel, type=double, min=6.69E-04, max=4.77E+03): 1-sigma uncertainty on y position
y_base_SdssShape_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
y_base_SdssShape_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
y_base_SdssShape_flag_maxIter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Too many iterations in adaptive moments
y_base_SdssShape_flag_psf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Failure in measuring PSF model shape
y_base_SdssShape_flag_shift (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): centroid shifted by more than the maximum allowed amount
y_base_SdssShape_flag_unweighted (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Weighted moments converged to an invalid value; using unweighted moments
y_base_SdssShape_flag_unweightedBad (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Both weighted and unweighted moments were invalid
y_base_SdssShape_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=1.92E+00, max=3.95E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
y_base_SdssShape_instFlux_xx_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-6.06E+03, max=-3.83E-03): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xx
y_base_SdssShape_instFlux_xy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-2.95E+05, max=-7.45E-03): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xy
y_base_SdssShape_instFlux_yy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-1.39E+04, max=5.26E+02): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_yy
y_base_SdssShape_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=8.43E-01, max=3.02E+01): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
y_base_SdssShape_psf_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=6.07E+00, max=6.39E+00): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
y_base_SdssShape_psf_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=-9.00E-03, max=2.68E-03): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
y_base_SdssShape_psf_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=6.06E+00, max=6.37E+00): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
y_base_SdssShape_x (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.01E+03, max=1.20E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
y_base_SdssShape_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=8.33E-02, max=2.13E+05): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
y_base_SdssShape_xxErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=3.39E-03, max=3.53E+03): Standard deviation of xx moment
y_base_SdssShape_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=-1.20E+04, max=2.71E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
y_base_SdssShape_xyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=3.38E-03, max=1.96E+04): Standard deviation of xy moment
y_base_SdssShape_y (unit=pixel, type=double, min=2.42E+04, max=2.45E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
y_base_SdssShape_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=1.05E-02, max=2.01E+05): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
y_base_SdssShape_yyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=2.39E-03, max=9.39E+02): Standard deviation of yy moment
y_base_Variance_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set for any fatal failure
y_base_Variance_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
y_base_Variance_flag_emptyFootprint (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set to True when the footprint has no usable pixels
y_base_Variance_value (type=double, min=7.26E-02, max=9.22E-02): Variance at object position
y_good (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): True if the source has no flagged pixels.
y_modelfit_CModel_apCorr (type=double, min=9.88E-01, max=9.91E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel
y_modelfit_CModel_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel
y_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorr (type=double, min=9.88E-01, max=9.91E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev
y_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev
y_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the de Vaucouleur flux failed
y_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_dev
y_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
y_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
y_modelfit_CModel_dev_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-6.36E+00, max=3.52E+04): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit region, with no extrapolation
y_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-8.21E+00, max=4.23E+04): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit
y_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=2.57E+00, max=6.88E+01): flux uncertainty from the de Vaucouleur fit
y_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorr (type=double, min=9.89E-01, max=9.91E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp
y_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp
y_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the exponential flux failed
y_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_exp
y_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
y_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
y_modelfit_CModel_exp_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-6.38E+00, max=3.52E+04): flux from the exponential fit region, with no extrapolation
y_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-6.95E+00, max=4.23E+04): flux from the exponential fit
y_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=2.57E+00, max=4.18E+01): flux uncertainty from the exponential fit
y_modelfit_CModel_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed
y_modelfit_CModel_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel
y_modelfit_CModel_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): input centroid was not within the fit region (probably because it’’s not within the Footprint)
y_modelfit_CModel_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
y_modelfit_CModel_flag_noShapeletPsf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): the multishapelet fit to the PSF model did not succeed
y_modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxArea (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): number of pixels in fit region exceeded the region.maxArea value
y_modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxBadPixelFraction (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): the fraction of bad/clipped pixels in the fit region exceeded region.maxBadPixelFraction
y_modelfit_CModel_fracDev (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.00E+00): fraction of flux in de Vaucouleur component
y_modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorr (type=double, min=9.90E-01, max=9.92E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial
y_modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial
y_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the initial flux failed
y_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_initial
y_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
y_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
y_modelfit_CModel_initial_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-6.38E+00, max=3.51E+04): flux from the initial fit region, with no extrapolation
y_modelfit_CModel_initial_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-6.93E+00, max=4.22E+04): flux from the initial fit
y_modelfit_CModel_initial_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=2.57E+00, max=2.92E+01): flux uncertainty from the initial fit
y_modelfit_CModel_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-8.21E+00, max=4.23E+04): flux from the final cmodel fit
y_modelfit_CModel_instFlux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-6.36E+00, max=3.52E+04): flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation
y_modelfit_CModel_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=2.57E+00, max=4.76E+01): flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit
y_modelfit_CModel_objective (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=4.18E+03): -ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit
z_base_ClassificationExtendedness_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set to 1 for any fatal failure.
z_base_ClassificationExtendedness_value (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.00E+00): Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources.
z_base_InputCount_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Set for any fatal failure
z_base_InputCount_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
z_base_InputCount_flag_noInputs (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): No coadd inputs available
z_base_InputCount_value (type=int, min=5.00E+01, max=6.00E+01): Number of images contributing at center, not including anyclipping
z_base_LocalBackground_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
z_base_LocalBackground_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
z_base_LocalBackground_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): no good pixels in the annulus
z_base_LocalBackground_flag_noPsf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): no PSF provided
z_base_LocalBackground_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-7.54E-03, max=2.28E-01): background in annulus around source
z_base_LocalBackground_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=2.47E-06, max=2.16E-01): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
z_base_PixelFlags_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): General failure flag, set if anything went wrong
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_bad (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Bad pixel in the Source footprint
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_object (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source footprint includes BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_bright_objectCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is close to BRIGHT_OBJECT pixels
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_clipped (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source footprint includes CLIPPED pixels
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_clippedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is close to CLIPPED pixels
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_cr (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Cosmic ray in the Source footprint
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_crCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Cosmic ray in the Source center
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source is outside usable exposure region (masked EDGE or NO_DATA)
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psf (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes INEXACT_PSF pixels
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_inexact_psfCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to INEXACT_PSF pixels
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolated (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_interpolatedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Interpolated pixel in the Source center
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_offimage (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source center is off image
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_rejected (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes REJECTED pixels
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_rejectedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to REJECTED pixels
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_saturated (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Saturated pixel in the Source footprint
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_saturatedCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Saturated pixel in the Source center
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source footprint includes SENSOR_EDGE pixels
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_sensor_edgeCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Source center is close to SENSOR_EDGE pixels
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_suspect (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source’’s footprint includes suspect pixels
z_base_PixelFlags_flag_suspectCenter (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Source’’s center is close to suspect pixels
z_base_PsfFlux_apCorr (type=double, min=9.90E-01, max=9.92E-01): aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
z_base_PsfFlux_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
z_base_PsfFlux_area (unit=pixel, type=double, min=6.39E+01, max=6.91E+01): effective area of PSF
z_base_PsfFlux_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
z_base_PsfFlux_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux
z_base_PsfFlux_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
z_base_PsfFlux_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model
z_base_PsfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit
z_base_PsfFlux_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-3.47E+00, max=4.00E+04): instFlux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model
z_base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=1.22E+00, max=6.91E+00): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
z_base_SdssCentroid_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
z_base_SdssCentroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Almost vanishing second derivative
z_base_SdssCentroid_flag_badInitialCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): whether the reference centroid is marked as bad
z_base_SdssCentroid_flag_edge (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Object too close to edge
z_base_SdssCentroid_flag_noSecondDerivative (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Vanishing second derivative
z_base_SdssCentroid_flag_notAtMaximum (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Object is not at a maximum
z_base_SdssCentroid_flag_resetToPeak (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): set if CentroidChecker reset the centroid
z_base_SdssCentroid_x (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.01E+03, max=1.20E+04): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
z_base_SdssCentroid_xErr (unit=pixel, type=double, min=4.37E-04, max=2.52E+03): 1-sigma uncertainty on x position
z_base_SdssCentroid_y (unit=pixel, type=double, min=2.42E+04, max=2.45E+04): centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
z_base_SdssCentroid_yErr (unit=pixel, type=double, min=4.42E-04, max=3.66E+03): 1-sigma uncertainty on y position
z_base_SdssShape_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
z_base_SdssShape_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
z_base_SdssShape_flag_maxIter (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Too many iterations in adaptive moments
z_base_SdssShape_flag_psf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): Failure in measuring PSF model shape
z_base_SdssShape_flag_shift (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): centroid shifted by more than the maximum allowed amount
z_base_SdssShape_flag_unweighted (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Weighted moments converged to an invalid value; using unweighted moments
z_base_SdssShape_flag_unweightedBad (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Both weighted and unweighted moments were invalid
z_base_SdssShape_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=9.59E-01, max=3.70E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
z_base_SdssShape_instFlux_xx_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-1.42E+04, max=-9.52E-04): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xx
z_base_SdssShape_instFlux_xy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-2.16E+04, max=-9.57E-04): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_xy
z_base_SdssShape_instFlux_yy_Cov (unit=count*pixel^2, type=double, min=-8.85E+03, max=3.85E+03): uncertainty covariance between base_SdssShape_instFlux and base_SdssShape_yy
z_base_SdssShape_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=2.79E-01, max=1.09E+01): 1-sigma instFlux uncertainty
z_base_SdssShape_psf_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=4.05E+00, max=4.38E+00): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
z_base_SdssShape_psf_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=-2.79E-03, max=1.13E-02): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
z_base_SdssShape_psf_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=4.04E+00, max=4.36E+00): adaptive moments of the PSF model at the object position
z_base_SdssShape_x (unit=pixel, type=double, min=8.01E+03, max=1.20E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
z_base_SdssShape_xx (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=1.26E-03, max=3.38E+05): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
z_base_SdssShape_xxErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=1.95E-03, max=2.91E+03): Standard deviation of xx moment
z_base_SdssShape_xy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=-9.86E+03, max=7.18E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
z_base_SdssShape_xyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=1.93E-03, max=3.95E+03): Standard deviation of xy moment
z_base_SdssShape_y (unit=pixel, type=double, min=2.42E+04, max=2.45E+04): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
z_base_SdssShape_yy (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=8.33E-02, max=3.08E+05): elliptical Gaussian adaptive moments
z_base_SdssShape_yyErr (unit=pixel^2, type=double, min=1.37E-03, max=1.81E+03): Standard deviation of yy moment
z_base_Variance_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set for any fatal failure
z_base_Variance_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): General Failure Flag
z_base_Variance_flag_emptyFootprint (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): Set to True when the footprint has no usable pixels
z_base_Variance_value (type=double, min=2.29E-02, max=2.82E-02): Variance at object position
z_good (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): True if the source has no flagged pixels.
z_modelfit_CModel_apCorr (type=double, min=9.87E-01, max=9.89E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel
z_modelfit_CModel_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel
z_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorr (type=double, min=9.87E-01, max=9.88E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev
z_modelfit_CModel_dev_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_dev
z_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the de Vaucouleur flux failed
z_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_dev
z_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
z_modelfit_CModel_dev_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
z_modelfit_CModel_dev_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.70E+00, max=3.51E+04): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit region, with no extrapolation
z_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.90E+00, max=4.10E+04): flux from the de Vaucouleur fit
z_modelfit_CModel_dev_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=1.24E+00, max=3.91E+01): flux uncertainty from the de Vaucouleur fit
z_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorr (type=double, min=9.87E-01, max=9.89E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp
z_modelfit_CModel_exp_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_exp
z_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the exponential flux failed
z_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_exp
z_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
z_modelfit_CModel_exp_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
z_modelfit_CModel_exp_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.77E+00, max=3.50E+04): flux from the exponential fit region, with no extrapolation
z_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.83E+00, max=4.10E+04): flux from the exponential fit
z_modelfit_CModel_exp_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=1.24E+00, max=2.35E+01): flux uncertainty from the exponential fit
z_modelfit_CModel_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed
z_modelfit_CModel_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel
z_modelfit_CModel_flag_badCentroid (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): input centroid was not within the fit region (probably because it’’s not within the Footprint)
z_modelfit_CModel_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
z_modelfit_CModel_flag_noShapeletPsf (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): the multishapelet fit to the PSF model did not succeed
z_modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxArea (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): number of pixels in fit region exceeded the region.maxArea value
z_modelfit_CModel_flag_region_maxBadPixelFraction (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): the fraction of bad/clipped pixels in the fit region exceeded region.maxBadPixelFraction
z_modelfit_CModel_fracDev (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=1.00E+00): fraction of flux in de Vaucouleur component
z_modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorr (type=double, min=9.87E-01, max=9.89E-01): aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial
z_modelfit_CModel_initial_apCorrErr (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=0.00E+00): standard deviation of aperture correction applied to modelfit_CModel_initial
z_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): flag set when the flux for the initial flux failed
z_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_apCorr (type=boolean, min=0, max=0): set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel_initial
z_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_badReference (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): The original fit in the reference catalog failed.
z_modelfit_CModel_initial_flag_numericError (type=boolean, min=0, max=1): numerical underflow or overflow in model evaluation; usually this means the prior was insufficient to regularize the fit, or all pixel values were zero.
z_modelfit_CModel_initial_flux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.37E+00, max=3.49E+04): flux from the initial fit region, with no extrapolation
z_modelfit_CModel_initial_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-2.48E+00, max=4.07E+04): flux from the initial fit
z_modelfit_CModel_initial_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=1.24E+00, max=1.66E+01): flux uncertainty from the initial fit
z_modelfit_CModel_instFlux (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.83E+00, max=4.10E+04): flux from the final cmodel fit
z_modelfit_CModel_instFlux_inner (unit=count, type=double, min=-1.70E+00, max=3.50E+04): flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation
z_modelfit_CModel_instFluxErr (unit=count, type=double, min=1.24E+00, max=3.04E+01): flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit
z_modelfit_CModel_objective (type=double, min=0.00E+00, max=8.67E+02): -ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit