Vera C. Rubin Observatory Documentation for Data Preview 0.1 (DP0.1)


This documentation area is under heavy development and only in the very early stages of design. It should not be used nor consulted for a place of information at this time.

This site provides information about the Rubin Observatory’s Data Preview 0.1 (DP0.1).

DP0.1 Release Date: June 30 2021

Data Preview 0 (DP0) is the first of three data previews during the period leading up to the start of Rubin Operations. The goals of DP0 are to serve as an early integration test of the LSST science pipelines and the Rubin Science Platform, and to enable a limited number of astronomers and students to begin early preparations for science with the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST).

Term definitions are provided on the Rubin Observatory Glossary & Acronyms webpage

Resources for DP0 delegates

DP0 delegates are the 300 Rubin data rights holders who have been given accounts in the shared-risk early-development version of the Rubin Science Platform, through which they can access and analyze the DP0 data set.

DP0.1 data products

The data set adopted for DP0 is the 300 square degrees of simulated, LSST-like images and catalogs generated by the Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) for their Data Challenge 2 (DC2; arXiv:2010.05926).

DP0.1 data access and analysis tools

The Rubin Science Platform (RSP) is the set of integrated web-based applications, services, and tools to query, visualize, subset, and analyze LSST data. Throughout DP0 the RSP will be in active development by Rubin staff, with access provided to delegates on a shared-risk basis. All RSP users are responsible for understanding the risks and avoiding potential usage hazards.


Includes hands-on executable tutorials and demonstrations based on science use cases for learning to use the Rubin Science Platform and the LSST Science Pipelines.

Documentation project information

Information on this documentation project and how to contribute to it.